My Husband Doesn’t Want to Have Sex With Me – How to Make Him Want You 24-7

In this situation, the first thing that goes is the anger that’s driving him rather than his desire to express himself sexually.

It may not strike you as a great example of how a man’s anger is… but it certainly can be a great example of how a man’s lack of sexual desire can ruin a marriage. In fact, anger at the Other is often one of the Leading Causes of divorce.

With that said, allow me to share a few tips with you on how a woman can maneuver herself through this type of stuck situation without being emotionally destructive or leaving her Husband…

Put The Stick Into The Fire!

First of all, one of the most important underlying factors that many couples face when they first exchange partners is sexual desire. A lack of sexual desire can lead to cheating, emotional disharmony, and ultimately divorce.

So Thunderbolt tends to be pacification to both women and men alike. Sometimes couples can see through what everyone else is doing and recognize that the woman they are with isn’t having a sexual desire for the man in front of them. And so this leads to disharmony, anger, and divorce.

What should a woman do?

If you are having trouble determining whether or not your husband is having an affair, you need to figure out whether or not he is having a physical affair. With that in mind, the following are four questions you should ask.

  1. Have you observed changes in his habits and behavior about work, money, or the kids?

Yes, there are changes, and over the course of time, there are certain changes that occur in all men’s habits and behavior with regard to sex both inside the bedroom and out of it. Those who are married and who are in a committed relationship know that this is true. Couples who have been married for several years know that this is true.

  1. Are you aware of the ways in which he responds to you and your attempts to initiate sex?

If your Husband is using text messaging to communicate with other women, or long distance texting, or emails, it is typically not out of the ordinary. These kinds of things happen every day from people all over the world.

So if you see that he is not interested in sex with you, if he’s causing you to feel uncomfortable, and if you can’t even trigger an orgasm with him…

  1. Lastly, are you still doing your best to initiate sex with him?

Listen, if you’ve answered “yes” to any of the previous questions, then it is likely that your husband is a cheater. There are a few different types of cheaters, and I’m going to mention a few of them to you right now.

You will find out that there is a very distinct difference between the kind of cheaters you have to deal with and the ones you need to fear. Every day, there are couples who drift apart just because they couldn’t connect with each other sexually. While it’s true that in many of these cases, it’s the relationship of the cheater that is causing the problem, there are also couples who crystals on the relationship of the cheater because they are BORED with their man.

So don’t worry about the tales of the lonely housewife or tales of the cheating husband. Make sure you are Step 1 right now: When you are in a relationship, make sure you pay attention to your partner’s signs. Try to Stay Away from Changes that Cause relational friction. If there are no other changes, it may be time to suggest remedies to your partner.

Please avoid reactions such as:

• If you don’t have sex, then I will die without a spouse

• How can I put a ring on it when I’m single?

• When I meet a woman I can’t have sex with, I go south to find someone who can

• I’m jumping around and flirting everywhere I can to attract a partner

• I’m even considering having an affair (I know it’s wrong, but it’s what I feel like doing at this moment)

There is no longer reason to believe that a man will be our knight in shining armor. There is now a real threat to your relationship, which should be reason enough for you to reexamine your beliefs.

Now that you know that threat, you can decide if you’re going to stick around or if you are going to pack your bags and ride off into the sunset. If you are going to stick around, you need to have discussions with your partner. The reality is that if you are not paying attention to the signs from your partner, you are missing out on the most important relationship of your life.